Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual 7/e (絕)

Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual 7/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780071258548
  • 作者:Paul Zbar, Gordon Rockmaker, David Bates
  • 版次:7
  • 年份:1994
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:381頁/平裝單色
書籍介紹 目錄
Designed for use in traditional DC/AC courses, this text serves equally well as a stand-alone introductory text and lab manual or as a lab manual for use with any basic theory text. The content of this text/lab manual is prepared with the technical assistance of the Electronic Industries Association, guaranteeing that the material is consistent with the competencies of the electronics manufacturing and service industries.

Table of Contents
1. Junction Diode Characteristics
2. Zener Diode Characteristics
3. Troubleshooting the Zener Regulator
4. Optoelectronic Devices
5. The Diode Limiter and Clamper
6. Half-Wave and Full-Wave Rectification
7. Transformer Power Supply and Filter
8. Power-Supply Troubleshooting
9. The Bridge Rectifier
10. Transistor Familiarization
11. Current Gain(β) in a Common-Emitter
12. Transistor Data and the Collector Characteristic Curve for the CE Connection
13. Solid-State Diode and Transistor Testing
14. Common-Emitter Amplifier Biasing and Gain
15. Common-Emitter Amplifier Impedance, Power, and Phase Relationships
16. Troubleshooting a CE Amplifier
17. The Emitter Follower(Common-Collector Amplifier)
18. Load-Line Analysis of a Transistor Amplifier
19. Cascaded Transistor Amplifier
20. Push-Pull Power Amplifier
21. Complementary-Symmetry Push-Pull
22. Frequency Response of an Audio Amplifier
23. Junction Field-Effect Transistor(JFET)
24. MOSFET Common-Source Amplifier
25. The Differential Amplifier(DA)
26. Integrated Circuits: The Linear Amplifier
27. Operational Amplifier(Op Amp)
28. Op Amp Characteristics
29. Negative Feedback
30. Basic Op Amp Circuits
31. Nonlinear Op Amp Circuits
32. Active Filiters
33. Troubleshooting Op Amp Circuits
34. Voltage Regulation
35. Three-Terminal IC Regulators
36. The Hartley Oscillator
37. Phase-Shift Oscillator
38. Op Amp Oscillators
39. Sawtooth(Ramp-Function)Generator
40. Schmitt Trigger
41. The 555 Time
42. Digital Integrated Circuits: And, Or, Gates
43. Digital ICs: The Inverter, The Nor Gate, The Nand Gate
44. Digital ICs: Binary Addition and the Full Adder
45. Digital ICs: Flip-Flops
46. Digital ICs: Counters
47. Mixers, Modulators, and Demodulators
48. Phase-Locked Loop
49. The Silicon Controlled Rectifier(SCR)
50. The Unijunction Transistor(UJT)
51. Characteristics of a Cathode-Ray
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