Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 5/e (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9781259071393
- 作者:Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku
- 版次:5
- 年份:2013
- 出版商:McGraw-Hill
- 頁數/規格:992頁/平裝彩色
- 參考網頁:Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 5/e
Alexander and Sadiku's fifth edition of Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. Students are introduced to the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout the text.
A balance of theory, worked examples and extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework problems for the fifth edition and robust media offerings, renders the fifth edition the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis.
This edition retains the Design a Problem feature which helps students develop their design skills by having the student develop the question as well as the solution. There are over 100 Design a Problem exercises integrated into the problem sets in the book.
Alexander and Sadiku's fifth edition of Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. Students are introduced to the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout the text.
A balance of theory, worked examples and extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework problems for the fifth edition and robust media offerings, renders the fifth edition the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis.
This edition retains the Design a Problem feature which helps students develop their design skills by having the student develop the question as well as the solution. There are over 100 Design a Problem exercises integrated into the problem sets in the book.
New to This Edition
- ConnectEngineering is available with Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5e. ConnectEngineering is a powerful, web-based assignment management system that makes creating and grading assignments easy for instructors and learning convenient for students. It saves time and makes learning for students accessible anytime, anywhere. With Connect, instructors can easily manage assignments, grading, progress, and students receive instant feedback from assignments and practice problems.
- Over 450 new homework problems have been added to this edition, including 121 Design a Problem exercises, and there are now more than 2,400 problems provided in the text.
- The six-step problem solving methodology is introduced in chapter one and carried throughout the text and media supplements to promote sound problem-solving practices.
- Each illustrative example is immediately followed by a practice problem and answer to test understanding of the preceding example.
- "Enhancing Your Skills" and "Enhancing Your Career" chapter openers provide discussions about how to enhance skills that contribute to successful problem-solving, and career-oriented talks on a subdiscipline of electrical engineering to give students a sense of the real-world applications of electrical engineering.
- Knowledge Capturing Integrated Design Environment (KCIDE) software provided on the book-specific web site leads students through end of chapter problems using the six-step problem solving method, and keeps a record for how problems are solved so students can share and check their work. An appendix on KCIDE has been added to the text.
- Extended examples in each chapter show an example problem worked using a detailed outline of the six-step method so students can see how to practice this technique.
- PSpice and MATLAB' are integrated thoughout the text, with tutorials included in the appendix. Icons mark end of chapter homework problems that can be solved using PSpice or MATLAB'.
- The retained Design a Problem feature helps students enhance their design skills by not only solving the problem but asking them to design it! This helps the student more deeply learn the theory while they learn through teaching.
- To purchase an electronic eBook version of this title, visit (ISBN 0077436423).
New to This Edition
- A model for magnetic coupling is presented in Chapter 13 that will make analysis easier as well as enhance your ability to find errors. We have successfully used this model for years and felt it was now time to add it to the book. In addition, there are over 600 new end-of-chapter problems, changed end-of-chapter problems, and changed practice problems.
- We have also added National Instruments MultisimTM solutions for all the problems solved using PSpiceR. There is a Multisim tutorial available on our website. We have added National Instruments Multisimsince it is very user-friendly with many more options for analysis than PSpice. In addition, it allows the ability to modify circuits easily in order to see how changing circuit parameters impacts voltages, currents, and power. We have also moved the tutorials for PSpice, MATLABR, and KCIDE to our website to allow us to keep up with changes in the software.
- We have also added 43 new problems to Chapter 16. We did this to enhance using the powerful s-domain analysis techniques to finding voltages and currents in circuits.
Table of Contents
PART 1 DC Circuits
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts
Chapter 2 Basic Laws
Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis
Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems
Chapter 5 Operational Amplifiers
Chapter 6 Capacitors and Inductors
Chapter 7 First-Order Circuits
Chapter 8 Second-Order Circuits
PART 2 AC Circuits
Chapter 9 Sinusoids and Phasors
Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
Chapter 11 AC Power Analysis
Chapter 12 Three-Phase Circuits
Chapter 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits
Chapter 14 Frequency Response
PART 3 Advanced Circuit Analysis
Chapter 15 Introduction to the Laplace Transform
Chapter 16 Applications of the Laplace Transform
Chapter 17 The Fourier Series
Chapter 18 Fourier Transform
Chapter 19 Two-Port Networks
PART 1 DC Circuits
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts
Chapter 2 Basic Laws
Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis
Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems
Chapter 5 Operational Amplifiers
Chapter 6 Capacitors and Inductors
Chapter 7 First-Order Circuits
Chapter 8 Second-Order Circuits
PART 2 AC Circuits
Chapter 9 Sinusoids and Phasors
Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
Chapter 11 AC Power Analysis
Chapter 12 Three-Phase Circuits
Chapter 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits
Chapter 14 Frequency Response
PART 3 Advanced Circuit Analysis
Chapter 15 Introduction to the Laplace Transform
Chapter 16 Applications of the Laplace Transform
Chapter 17 The Fourier Series
Chapter 18 Fourier Transform
Chapter 19 Two-Port Networks
Charles K. Alexander is Dean and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Fenn College of Engineering at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio. He is also the Director of The Center for Research in Electronics and Aerospace Technology (CREATE), and is the Managing Director of the Wright Center for Sensor Systems (WCSSE). From 2002 until 2006, he was Dean of the Fenn College of Engineering. From 2004 until 2007, he was Director of Ohio ICE, a research center in instrumentation, controls, electronics, and sensors (a coalition of CSU, Case, the University of Akron, and a number of Ohio industries). From 1998 until 2002, he was Interim Director (2000 and 2001) of the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technologies and Stocker Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Ohio University. From 1994-96 he was Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at California State University, Northridge. From 1989-94 he was Acting Dean of the College of Engineering at Temple University, and from 1986-89 he was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Temple. From 1980-86 he held the same positions at Tennessee Technological University. He was an Associate Professor and a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Youngstown State University from 1972-80, where he was named Distinguished Professor in 1977 in recognition of "outstanding teaching and research." He was assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Ohio University in 1971-72. He received the PhD (1971) and MSEE (1967) from Ohio University and the BSEE (1965) from Ohio Northern University.
Matthew N. O. Sadiku, is presently a professor at Prairie View A & M University. Prior to joining Prairie View, he taught at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. He has also worked for Lucent/Avaya and Boeing Satellite Systems.
Dr. Sadiku is the author of over 170 professional papers and almost 30 books including Elements of Electromagnetics (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed., 2001), Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics (2nd ed., CRC Press,2000), Simulation of Local Area Networks (with M. IIyas, CRC,1994), Metropolitan Area Networks (CRC Press, 1994), and Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (with C.K. Alexander, McGraw- Hill, 3rd ed., 2007). His books are used worldwide and some of them have been translated into Korean, Chinese, Italian, and Spanish. He was the recipient of the 2000 McGraw-Hill/Jacob Millman Award for outstanding contributions in the field of electrical engineering. He was the IEEE Region 2 Student Activities Committee Chairman and is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Education. He received his Ph.D. from Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
Matthew N. O. Sadiku, is presently a professor at Prairie View A & M University. Prior to joining Prairie View, he taught at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. He has also worked for Lucent/Avaya and Boeing Satellite Systems.
Dr. Sadiku is the author of over 170 professional papers and almost 30 books including Elements of Electromagnetics (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed., 2001), Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics (2nd ed., CRC Press,2000), Simulation of Local Area Networks (with M. IIyas, CRC,1994), Metropolitan Area Networks (CRC Press, 1994), and Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (with C.K. Alexander, McGraw- Hill, 3rd ed., 2007). His books are used worldwide and some of them have been translated into Korean, Chinese, Italian, and Spanish. He was the recipient of the 2000 McGraw-Hill/Jacob Millman Award for outstanding contributions in the field of electrical engineering. He was the IEEE Region 2 Student Activities Committee Chairman and is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Education. He received his Ph.D. from Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.