Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 5/e (絕)

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 5/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780071254441
  • 作者:Giorgio Rizzoni
  • 版次:5
  • 年份:2007
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:1134頁/平裝雙色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹
Rizzoni provides a solid overview of the electrical engineering discipline that is especially geared toward the many non-electrical engineering students who take this course. The hallmark feature of the text is its liberal use of practical applications to illustrate important principles. The applications come from every field of engineering and feature exciting technologies such as Ohio State's world-record setting electric car. The appeal to non-EE's is further heightened by such special features as the book's Focus on Measurement sections, Focus on Methodology sections, and Make the Connection sidebars.

  • Hallmark Feature--- Use of practical, interesting applications from all areas of engineering to illustrate principles 
  • What's New--- chapter 2 includes a new section on controls; chapter 10 has been reorganized and now includes new information on current sources; chapter 11 has been reworked to include new examples and an explanation of FETs that is absolutely simple and intuitive for students; chapter 12 includes a new section on push-pull amplifiers; and chapter 13 includes new material on the half-adder. 
  • A new chapter on the increasingly important area of digital communications complements the revised chapter on analog communication systems. 
  • "Focus on Methodology" boxes throughout the text summarize important methods and procedures for the solution of common problems and assist the student in developing a methodical approach to problem solving. 
  • "Focus on Measurements" boxes emphasize the great relevance of electrical engineering to the science and practice of measurements. 
  • "Make the Connection" sidebars present analogies to students to help them see the connection of electrical engineering concepts to other engineering disciplines. 
  • "Check Your Understanding" exercises follow each example in the text. 
  • Rizzoni's experience as an electrical engineer teaching in a mechanical engineering department makes him the ideal author for an EE book for non majors. Through the use of a wide variety of applications and interesting problems, Rizzoni stimulates and motivates the non-majors audience. 
  • An Online Learning Center can be found at www.mhhe.com/rizzoni. This site contains resources for students and instructors. It includes such things as password-protected solutions for instructors, data sheets, web links, and more. Also, a section called "Find it on the Web" has been added throughout. These sections provide web links to global companies that manufacture the devices mentioned in the text. Students will be able to quickly look up manufacturer's data sheets and other useful information for use in design problems. This material will be revised and updated. 
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 

Part I Circuits 
2 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 
3 Resistive Network Analysis 
4 AC Network Analysis 
5 Transient Analysis 
6 Frequency Response and System Concepts 
7 AC Power 

Part II Electronics 
8 Operational Amplifiers 
9 Semiconductors and Diodes 
10 Bipolar Junction Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications 
11 Field-Effect Transistors: Operation, Circuit Models, and Applications 
12 Power Electronics 
13 Digital Logic Circuits 
14 Digital Systems 

Part III Instrumentation and Communication Systems 
15 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements 
16 Analog Communication Systems 
17 Digital Communications 

Part IV Electromechanics 
18 Principles of Electromechanics 
19 Introduction to Electric Machines 
20 Special-Purpose Electric Machines 

Appendix A Linear Algebra and Complex Numbers 
Appendix B The Laplace Transform 
Appendix C Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination 
Appendix D Answers to Selected
Giorgio Rizzoni, The Ohio State University
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