Introduction to Digital Systems (絕)

Introduction to Digital Systems (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780471527992
  • 作者:Milos Ercegovac, Tomas Lang, Jaime H. Moreno
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:1999
  • 出版商:John Wiley
  • 頁數/規格:498頁
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
A basic grounding in one of today's quickly evolving technologies. To gain one's bearing in the whirlwind of rapid development in the digital theory arena, getting a firm grasp of the basics is vital. This book provides a solid foundation in the elements of basic digital electronic and switching theory. Down to earth, yet scholarly in approach, it builds on theory with discussions of real-world digital components, design methodologies, and tools. A companion Web site provides additional information.

  • Well-established concepts and notation, as well as analysis and design techniques, are presented in a concise and comprehensive manner. 
  • The text emphasizes a variety of description methods including tables, maps, expressions, and description languages. 
  • A subset of the language VHDL is introduced and used in the last sections of the relevant chapters. 
  • Each chapter contains an outline of the concepts covered, as well as a large number of helpful exercises for better comprehension. 
  • Text packaged with Altera an easy-to-use integration suite of software tools, and their FPGAs are made readily available for schools interested in equipping their labs. 
  • Design problems are included on our Web site along with a brief discussion of the appropriate computer-aided design tools.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Specification of Combinational Systems.
3. Combinational ICs: Characteristics and Capabilities.
4. Description and Analysis of Gate Networks.
5. Design of Combinational Systems: Two-Level Gate Networks.
6. Design of Combinational Systems: Multilevel Gate Networks 
7. Specification of Sequential Systems.
8. Sequential Networks.
9. Standard Combinational Modules.
10. Arithmetic Combinational Modules and Networks.
11. Standard Sequential Modules.
12. Programmable Modules.
13. Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Systems 
14. Data and control Subsystems
15. Specification and Implementation of A Microcomputer
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