Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory 3/e (絕)

Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory 3/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789861548791
  • 作者:Edgar Goodaire, Michael Parmenter
  • 版次:3
  • 年份:2006
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Far more “user friendly” than the vast majority of similar books, this text is truly written with the “beginning” reader in mind. The pace is tight, the style is light, and the text emphasizes theorem proving throughout. The authors emphasize "Active Reading,” a skill vital to success in learning how to think mathematically (and write clean, error-free programs).

  • A friendly, conversational, humorous style - Makes this top seller stimulating and engaging for the reader. 
  • More than 150 Pauses (short questions) - Inserted at strategic points. Full solutions to Pauses are included at the end of each section.
  • Emphasis on writing and critical-thinking skills. 
  • More than 300 worked examples and 3500 exercises. The problem sets are carefully graded by level of difficulty.
  • A FREE Student Solutions Manual is built into the back of the text. 
  • Topics in discrete math are used as a vehicle for teaching proofs. 
  • An unusually strong emphasis on graph theory, incorporating its coverage throughout six chapters. 
  • A glossary of definitions and a list of symbols and notation.

New to this Edition
  • The former Chapter 1 (“Proofs”) has been split into two chapters, the first mainly expository on proofs, the second focused on logic (truth tables, propositions).
  • Two sections on probability (2.4 and 2.5).
  • Material on depth-first search which previously comprised an entire (very short) chapter has been moved to an earlier chapter where it fits more naturally.
  • Section 11.3 on RNA chains has been rewritten to include a new (and easier) algorithm for the recovery of an RNA chain from its complete enzyme digest.
  • True/false questions (with all answers in the back of the book) have been added to every section.
  • An additional 900 exercises; complete solutions to an additional 200 exercises in the back of the book.
  • Many new exercises on mathematical induction, which is now one of the strongest, basic presentations available.
  • An appendix on matrices.
  • A number of new computer science applications.
Table of Contents
0. Yes, There Are Proofs!
1. Logic
2. Sets and Relations
3. Functions
4. The Integers
5. Induction and Recursion
6. Principles of Counting
7. Permutations and Combinations
8. Algorithms
9. Graphs
10. Paths and Circuits
11. Applications of Paths and Circuits
12. Trees
13. Planar Graphs and Colorings
14. The Max Flow -- Min Cut Theorem
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