Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 3/e (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9780321397331
- 作者:Mark A. Weiss
- 版次:3
- 年份:2006
- 出版商:Pearson Education
- 頁數/規格:586頁/平裝單色
- 參考網頁:Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 3/e
Mark Allen Weiss’ innovative approach to algorithms and data structures teaches the simultaneous development of sound analytical and programming skills for the advanced data structures course. Readers learn how to reduce time constraints and develop programs efficiently by analyzing the feasibility of an algorithm before it is coded.
The C++ language is brought up-to-date and simplified, and the Standard Template Library is now fully incorporated throughout the text. This Third Edition also features significantly revised coverage of lists, stacks, queues, and trees and an entire chapter dedicated to amortized analysis and advanced data structures such as the Fibonacci heap.
Known for its clear and friendly writing style, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ is logically organized to cover advanced data structures topics from binary heaps to sorting to NP-completeness. Figures and examples illustrating successive stages of algorithms contribute to Weiss’ careful, rigorous and in-depth analysis of each type of algorithm.
Mark Allen Weiss’ innovative approach to algorithms and data structures teaches the simultaneous development of sound analytical and programming skills for the advanced data structures course. Readers learn how to reduce time constraints and develop programs efficiently by analyzing the feasibility of an algorithm before it is coded.
The C++ language is brought up-to-date and simplified, and the Standard Template Library is now fully incorporated throughout the text. This Third Edition also features significantly revised coverage of lists, stacks, queues, and trees and an entire chapter dedicated to amortized analysis and advanced data structures such as the Fibonacci heap.
Known for its clear and friendly writing style, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ is logically organized to cover advanced data structures topics from binary heaps to sorting to NP-completeness. Figures and examples illustrating successive stages of algorithms contribute to Weiss’ careful, rigorous and in-depth analysis of each type of algorithm.
New to This Edition
- Discussion of algorithm and design techniques covers greedy algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, randomized algorithms, and backtracking.
- Covers topics and data structures such as Fibonacci heaps, skew heaps, binomial queue, skip lists and splay trees.
- A full chapter on amortized analysis examines the advanced data structures presented earlier in the book.
- Chapter on advanced data structures and their implementation covers red black trees, top down splay trees, treaps, k-d trees, pairing heaps, and more.
- End-of-chapter exercises, ranked by difficulty, reinforce the material from the chapter while providing readers an opportunity to put those concepts into practice.
- All code has been updated and tested on multiple platforms and conforms to the ISO standard.
New to This Edition
- C++ code is fully up-to-date and conforms to the ISO standard.
- Coverage of the Standard Template Library is integrated throughout.
- Revised Chapter 3, Lists, Stacks, and Queues, offers up-to-date coverage that emphasizes the use of ADTs and includes plenty of ideas for programming assignments.
- New material on trees in Chapter 4.
- Enhanced interior design–including redesigned figures and examples--adds to the book’s readability.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Algorithm Analysis
Chapter 3 - Lists, Stacks, and Queues
Chapter 4 - Trees
Chapter 5 - Hashing
Chapter 6 - Priority Queues (Heaps)
Chapter 7 - Sorting
Chapter 8 - The Disjoint Set Class
Chapter 9 - Graph Algorithms
Chapter 10 - Algorithm Design Techniques
Chapter 11 - Amortized Analysis
Chapter 12 - Advanced Data Structures and Implementation
Appendix A - Separate Compilation Of Class Templates
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Algorithm Analysis
Chapter 3 - Lists, Stacks, and Queues
Chapter 4 - Trees
Chapter 5 - Hashing
Chapter 6 - Priority Queues (Heaps)
Chapter 7 - Sorting
Chapter 8 - The Disjoint Set Class
Chapter 9 - Graph Algorithms
Chapter 10 - Algorithm Design Techniques
Chapter 11 - Amortized Analysis
Chapter 12 - Advanced Data Structures and Implementation
Appendix A - Separate Compilation Of Class Templates