Data Structures and Program Design in C++ (絕)

Data Structures and Program Design in C++ (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780137689958
  • 作者:Kruse Ryba
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:1999
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
  • 頁數/規格:717頁/精裝
書籍介紹 目錄 作者介紹
Appropriate for Computer Science II and Data Structures courses using C++.Progressing from the concrete to the abstract—and using numerous, substantial case studies and sample programs—this text explores structured problem solving, data abstraction, software engineering principles, and the comparative analysis of algorithms as fundamental tools of program design. 

Table of Contents
1. Programming Principles.
2. Introduction to Stacks.
3. Queues.
4. Linked Stacked and Queues.
5. Recursion.
6. Lists and Strings.
7. Searching.
8. Sorting.
9. Tables and Information Retrieval.
10. Binary Trees.
11. Multiway Trees.
12. Graphs.
13. Case Study: The Polish Notation.
Appendix A: Mathematical Methods.
Appendix B: Random Numbers.
Appendix C: Packages and Utility Functions.
Appendix D: Programming Precepts, Pointers, and Pitfalls.
Robert L. Kruse, St. Mary's University
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