Using Information Technology 9/e (絕)

Using Information Technology 9/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
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  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780071221399
  • 作者:Brian K. Williams
  • 版次:9
  • 年份:2011
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
  • 頁數/規格:577頁/平裝彩色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
The Williams, Using Information Technology, 9th edition utilizes a practical, applied approach to technology. This text is user-focused and has been highly updated including topics, pictures and examples. The Williams text contains less theory and more application to engage students who might be more familiar with technology. Continually published and updated for over 15 years, Using Information Technology was the first text to foresee and define the impact of digital convergence, the fusion of computers and communications. It was also the first text to acknowledge the new priorities imposed by the Internet and World Wide Web and bring discussion of them from late in the course to the beginning. Today, it is directed toward the “Always On” generation that is at ease with digital technology, comfortable with iPhones, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and the blogosphere, but not always savvy about its processes, possibilities, and liabilities. This 9th edition continues to address the two most significant challenges that instructors face in teaching this course: Trying to make the course interesting and challenging, and trying to teach to students with a variety of computer backgrounds. This text also correlates with SimNet Online, our online training and assessment program for the MS Office Suite and also computing concepts!

  • CURRENCY: The Williams text has been significantly updated to include current topics, pictures and examples for better student understanding. 
  • EMPHASIS ON PRACTICALITY/USER EXPERIENCE: Practical advice, of the sort found in newspaper technology sections, is expressed in the following ways: - In-Text - End-of-chapter Experience Boxes - In-chapter Practical Action boxes: - New to this edition: Survival Tips in page margins - Integration of Ethics 
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Information Technology Your Digital World 
2. The Internet & The World Wide Web Exploring Cyberspace 
3. Software Tools for Productivity & Creativity 
4. Hardware: The CPR & Storage How to Choose a Multimedia Computer System 
5. Hardware: Input & Output Taking Charge of Computing & Communications 
6. Communications, Networks, & Safeguards The Wired & Wireless World 
7. Personal Technology The Future Is You 
8. Databases & Information Systems Digital Engines for Today's Economy 
9. The Challenges of the Digital Age Society & Information Technology 
10. Systems Analysis & Programming Software Development, Programming, & Languages
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