ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++ 2/e (絕)

ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++ 2/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
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  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789861548883
  • 作者:Nyhoff
  • 版次:2
  • 年份:2005
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
This text continues to offer a thorough, well-organized, and up-to-date presentation of essential principles and practices in data structures using C++. Reflecting the newest trends in computer science, new and revised material throughout the Second Edition places increased emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs) and object-oriented design.

New to This Edition
  • New chapter with expanded and improved discussion of C++'s I/O and string classes.
  • New chapter on searching—Including modified and expanded treatment of binary search trees and hash tables. 
  • Revised chapter on inheritance. 
  • Revised Chapter 1—Introduces other software engineering methods besides the waterfall model, introduces UML, describes top-down design and object-oriented design in detail, relates some of the "horror stories" of bad software design. 
  • Expanded chapter on queues—Including array-based and linked-list implementations, and a revised simulation case study. 
  • Earlier presentation of lists (Ch. 3) —Before stacks and queues. Revised to include array-based (static and dynamic) list classes, an introduction to linked lists, and more standard symbols in diagrams. 
  • Earlier presentation of pointers and dynamic allocation—Including an expanded discussion of the new operator (Ch. 2) 
  • Marginal icons—Used to call attention to key features and warnings. 
  • Uniform method of displaying ADT specifications in a UML-style diagram. 
  • A new appendix "From Java to C++"—Helps those making a transition from Java to C++.
  • Array-based and linked-list implementations of stacks. 
Table of Contents 
1. Software Engineering. 
2. Introduction to Data Structures and Abstract Data TypesNC-Style Types. 
3. Procedural Programming, Structures, and Classes. 
4. Standard I/O and String Classes. 
5. Lists. 
6. Stacks. 
7. Queues. 
8. Templates and Standard Containers. 
9. Recursion and Algorithm Analysis. 
10. More Linked Lists. 
11. Binary Trees and Hash Tables. 
12. Sorting. 
13. OOP and ADTs. 
14. Trees. 
15. Graphs and Digraphs. 
Appendix A: ASCII Character Set. 
Appendix B: Number Systems. 
Appendix C: Basic C++. 
Appendix D: Other C++ Features. 
Appendix E: Answers to Quick Quizzes. 
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