Programming in C++ 3/e (絕)

Programming in C++ 3/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
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  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780763732349
  • 作者:Nell Dale
  • 版次:3
  • 年份:2005
  • 出版商:Jones & Bartlett
  • 頁數/規格:719頁/平裝雙色
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Programming in C++, Third Edition offers a focused, syntax intensive introduction to programming. Concise and straightforward, Programming in C++ is adapted fromProgramming and Problem Solving with C++, Fourth Edition , and retains the essential content of its parent book.

The text provides students with a clear, accessible introduction to C++, object-oriented programming, and the fundamentals of software development. The authors have completely revamped the chapter goals and programming examples throughout, and the book includes a full set of new programming exercises in each chapter. Programming in C++, Third Edition is the ideal text for programming courses with an emphasis on science and engineering, as well as those seeking to cover all the fundamentals of programming in one semester.

  • A straightforward, syntax-intensive introduction to C++ that can be easily covered in a one-semester course - The book covers all the core topics of programming, including numeric types, software development, conditions, looping, data types, abstraction, classes, arrays, and recursion.
  • Pedagogical features help students learn key programming concepts - The text includes fully revised chapter goals and programming examples, as well as a full set of new programming exercises in each chapter. Additional features include testing and debugging sections, quick checks, and exam prep exercises.
  • Presents advanced topics at an introductory level with accessible writing and strong pedagogy - for example, the authors address metalanguages explicitly as the formal means of specifying programming language syntax; modular design is discussed in terms of abstract steps, concrete steps, functional equivalence, and functional cohesion; data abstraction and ADTs are explained in conjunction with the C++ class mechanism, forming a natural lead-in to OOP.
  • Takes a transitional approach to object-oriented programming - A preview of OOP is presented in Chapter 4, but focused discussion is delayed until Chapter 14 after students have acquired a firm grounding in algorithm design, control abstraction, and data abstraction with classes.
  • ISO/ANSI standard C++ is used throughout the book, including relevant portions of the new C++ standard library. Students with pre-standard C++ compilers are also supported. An appendix explains how to modify the textbook's programs to compile and run successfully with an earlier compiler.
  • C++ classes are introduced before arrays - this sequencing eases students into composite types by allowing them to access a component by name rather than by position. This also makes it easier to introduce the idea of an array of class objects or an array of structs.
Table of Contents
1. Overview of Programming and Problem Solving
2. C++ Syntax and Semantics, and the Program Development Process
3. Numeric Types, Expressions, and Output
4. Program Input and the Software Design Process
5. Conditions, Logical Expressions, and Selection Control Structures
6. Looping
7. Functions
8. Scope, Lifetime, and More on Functions
9. Additional Control Structures
10. Simple Data Types: Built-In and User-Defined
11. Structured Types, Data Abstraction, and Classes
12. Arrays
13. Array-Based Lists
14. Object-Oriented Software Development
15. Recursion
Nell Dale received a B.S. in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of Houston, a M.A. in Mathematics, from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. Nell Dale has been on the faculty at the University of Texas, Austin since 1975. She teaches occasionally but concentrates on computer science education, writing, traveling, tennis, and bridge -- and her family of course.
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