Program Developme and Design Using C++ 3/e (絕)

Program Developme and Design Using C++ 3/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780619216771
  • 作者:Gary J. Bronson
  • 版次:3
  • 年份:2006
  • 出版商:Cengage Learning
  • 頁數/規格:903頁
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄 作者介紹
This text offers new and refreshed material that gives students a foundation of basics before diving into C++ language specifics. Based on the popular A First Book of C++ by the same author, this informative new edition introduces readers to programming using the C++ programming language.

  • Provides students with newly added problems and exercises.
  • Gives students a strong foundation of basics before they are introduced to C++ language specifics with pseudocode, stressed throughout the text.
  • Offers students historical, biographical, and other interesting factual asides related to the field of computer science with Bit of Background boxes throughout the text.

New to This Edition
  • Features new material on the Standard Template Library, namespaces, and function classes.
Table of Contents 
1. Introduction to Computers and Programming

Part 1: Procedure-Oriented Programming in C++
2. Problem Solving Using C++
3. Assignment, Formatting, and Interactive Input
4. Selection Structures
5. Repetition Statements
6. Modularity Using Functions
7. Completing the Basics

Part 2: Object-Oriented Programming in C++
8. Introduction to Classes
9. Class Functions and Conversions
10. Inheritance and Dynamic Memory ALlocation
11. I/O File Streams and Data Files

Part 3: Data Structures and Additional Features
12. Arrays
13. C-Strings
14. Addresses, Pointers, and Arrays
15. Structures
16. The Standard Template Library
17. Additional Capabilities

Part 4: Appendices
A: Object Precedence Table
B: ASCII Character Codes
C: Input/Output and Standard Erro Redirection
D: Floating-Point Number Storage
Gary J. Bronson is a Professor of Information Systems at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU), where he was voted Teacher of the Year. He has worked at Lockheed Electronics, Bell Laboratories, and a number of Wall Street financial firms. He has also authored several successful programming textbooks on C, C++, and Java.
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