Perl How to Program (絕)

Perl How to Program (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780130284181
  • 作者:Harvey M. Deitel, Paul Deitel, Tem R. Nieto, D. C. McPhie
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2001
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
  • 頁數/規格:1057頁
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
For Perl/CGI programming courses and Internet/Web programming courses focusing on Perl/CGI in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Management Information Systems, Information Technology, and Business Departments.

This new book in the Deitels'How to Program series is a comprehensive guide to programming with Perl. It emphasizes the use of the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) with Perl to create powerful dynamic Web content for e-commerce applications. The book begins with a clear and careful introduction to the concepts of structured programming at a level suitable for beginners to programming, and proceeds through advanced topics such as references and complex data structures. Important topics in Perl such as regular expressions (Chapter 8) and string manipulation (Chapter 9) receive a detailed treatment. The authors address important and topical issues such as object-oriented programming (Chapter 14), the Perl database interface (DBI) (Chapter 15), graphics (Chapter 21) and security (Chapter 19). Also included is a significant treatment of XML (Chapter 22) and the Python programming language. There is a complete chapter on Web accessibility that addresses programming and technologies relevant to accessibility for people with disabilities. Appendices include detailed instructions for installation of Perl and server configuration for CGI scripts. Perl How to Program is geared toward both Unix/Linux and Windows users.

  • Signature “Live Code Approach”- Language features are presented in the context of a wide variety of complete working programs. Features thousands of lines of code in hundreds of complete working programs.
    • Enables readers to confirm that programs run as expected. Readers can also manipulate the code from the CD-ROM in the back of the book or from the book's
  • Web-based multi-tier applications.-Teaches every key concept through live, working code.
    • Students learn from these applications and use them as a reference for real-world applications.
  • Outstanding, consistent and applied pedagogy - Icons throughout identify Software Engineering Observations; Good Programming Practices; Common Programming Errors; Portability Tips; Performance, Testing and Debugging tips.
    • Provides hundreds of valuable programming tips and facilitates learning.
  • Extensive set of interesting exercises and substantial projects.
    • Students can apply what they've learned in each chapter.
  • Complete chapter on web-accessibility.
    • Addresses programming and technologies relevant to accessibility for the disabled.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the World Wide Web. 
2. Introduction to Programming in Perl. 
3. Control Structures: Part I. 
4. Arrays and Hashes. 
5. Control Structures: Part II. 
6. Subroutines and Functions. 
7. Introduction to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). 
8. Regular Expressions. 
9. String Manipulation. 
10. File Processing. 
11. File and Directory Manipulation. 
12. Formatted Output. 
13. References. 
14. Objects. 
15. Perl Database Interface (DBI). 
16. Session Tracking and Cookies. 
17. Web Automation and Networking. 
18. Process Control. 
19. Security. 
20. Complex Data Structures. 
21. Graphics and Perl/Tk. 
22. Perl and XML: A Web-Based Message Forums Application. 
23. Accessibility: Developing for the Disabled. 
24. Bonus Chapter: Introduction to HyperText Markup Language 4: Part I. 
25. Bonus Chapter: Introduction to HyperText Markup Language 4: Part II. 
26. Bonus Chapter: Introduction to Python Programming.
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