Network Recovery: Protection and Restoration of Optical, SONET-SDH, IP, and MPLS (絕)

Network Recovery: Protection and Restoration of Optical, SONET-SDH, IP, and MPLS (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780127150512
  • 作者:Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Mario Pickavet and Piet Demeester
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2004
  • 出版商:Elsevier B.V.
  • 頁數/規格:521頁/精裝單色
書籍介紹 目錄 作者介紹
Network Recovery is the first book to provide detailed information on protecting and restoring communication networks, and it sets a sky-high standard for any that may follow. Inside, you'll learn specific techniques that work at each layer of the networking hierarchy?including optical, SONET-SDH, IP, and MPLS?as well as multi-layer escalation strategies that offer the highest level of protection. The authors begin with an incisive introduction to the issues that define the field of network protection and restoration, and as the book progresses they explain everything you need to know about the relevant protocols, providing theoretical analyses wherever appropriate. If you work for a network-dependent organization, large or small, you'll want to keep Network Recovery within reach at all times.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 
Chapter 2: SONET-SDH 
Chapter 3: Optical Networks 
Chapter 4: IP Routing 
Chapter 5: MPLS Traffic Engineering 
Chapter 6 Multi-Layer Networks
Jean-Philippe Vasseur is a system architect at Cisco, where he works on IP/MPLS architecture specifications, focusing on traffic engineering and recovery mechanisms. He earned an engineering degree in France and an M.S. from the SIT in New Jersey. Before joining Cisco, he worked for several service providers operating in large multi-protocol environments.
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