Video Processing and Communications (絕)

Video Processing and Communications (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9789861546063
  • 作者:Yao Wang, Jorn Ostermann, Ya-Qin Zhang
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2002
  • 出版商:Pearson Education
  • 頁數/規格:595頁/平裝單色
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
With more insights and examples than other texts of its kind, Video Processing and Communications provides a good balance between theoretical concepts and practical solutions, with more rigorous formulation of certain problems such as motion estimation, sampling, basic coding theory. It is unique in its coverage of error control, scalable coding, and video streaming applications, and offers more comprehensive coverage than competitors on timely coding techniques, including issues of practical importance such as rate control, mode selection, scalable coding, and error resilience. It also contains a concise description of latest video coding standards.

  • Extensive illustrations and examples. 
    * Help students to understand abstract concepts.
  • Summary of key concepts and solutions at the end of each chapter. 
    * Reinforces the main points of the chapter.
  • Numerous self-study problems-Includes computer projects in chapters covering fundamental technologies (Chs. 1-12). Both analytical problems and design problems in real world video systems are covered. 
    * Helps students to review and understand the material covered. Also encourages exploration of advanced topics. Ex. Chs. 3-12
  • Comprehensive coverage of motion estimation-Includes theoretical formulation of the problem, basic estimation techniques, and advanced techniques. 
    * Provides students with comprehensive and in-depth treatment of this important topic. Ex. Chs. 6, 7
  • Extensive coverage of video coding-Includes fundamental theory and techniques, waveform based techniques, content-dependent techniques, scalable coding techniques, and error resilient coding. 
    * More coverage than competitors on latest coding techniques. Ex. Chs. 8-11, 14
  • Unequaled coverage of issues important for real-time video communications. 
    * Gives students exposure to advanced research topics that are critical for design of practical video systems. Ex. Chs. 11, 13, 14, 15
  • In-depth coverage of the latest video coding standards-Including H.261/3, MPEG 1/2/4/7 standards and their relative performance. 
  • Unique author team-The author team consists of a professor and two industrial researchers, all actively engaged in video communications research and video coding standardization activities. 
    * Authors provide a balance between theory and practice.
  • Companion Website for the book. 
    * Allows students and instructors to access the MATLAB scripts and sample data, to obtain corrections or additional information easily, and to contribute comments and suggestions to the authors.
  • Original and coded video sequences-Provided on the Website. 
    * Enables students and instructors to try out the processing techniques on realistic sequences and view the artifacts of different coding techniques.
  • MATLAB scripts-Available for some examples in the book; provided on the Website. 
    * Allows instructors to use these scripts to replicate or revise the examples. Helps students to better understand the processing involved.

Table of Contents 
1. Video Formation, Perception, and Representation. 
2. Fourier Analysis of Video Signals and Frequency Response of the Human Visual System.
3. Video Sampling. 
4. Video Sampling Rate Conversion. 
5. Video Modeling. 
6. Two-Dimensional Motion Estimation. 
7. Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation. 
8. Foundations of Video Coding. 
9. Waveform-Based Video Coding. 
10. Content-Dependent Video Coding. 
11. Scalable Video Coding. 
12. Stereo and Multiview Sequence Processing. 
13. Video Compression Standards. 
14. Error Control in Video Communications. 
15. Streaming Video over the Internet and Wireless IP Networks.
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