Intro Stats 3/e (絕)
- 20本以上,享 8.5折
- 一般書籍
- ISBN:9780321553560
- 作者:Richard D. De Veaux, Paul Velleman, David E. Bock
- 版次:3
- 年份:2008
- 出版商:Pearson Education
- The conversational writing style maintains student interest without sacrificing content. In this edition, the authors have further refined sections throughout the book to make the discussion even clearer.
- The Part/Chapter organization divides the text into manageable pieces and places them so that each new concept fits comfortably with those that students have learned.
- Think, Show, Tell teaches students how to think about and work through each example. All worked examples start with a clear question, ask students to think about how to address the question, show the work they did to solve it, and tell their conclusion in the context of the original question. Worked examples have been brought up-to-date with new topics and data.
- Just Checking: this edition contains even more Just Checking exercises within each chapter to ensure that students understand key ideas before moving on. Most involve very little calculation. Answers are provided at the end of the chapter.
- What Can Go Wrong? sections at the end of every chapter help students avoid common errors and misconceptions in statistics.
- By Hand boxes guide students through the calculation of a worked example, showing the mathematics behind the statistics. This text encourages the use of technology, but also recognizes the benefits of understanding how to perform calculations by hand.
- What Have We Learned? sections at the end of each chapter highlight the concepts learned in the chapter, define new terms and identify where they were introduced, and list the skills that students should have acquired in their reading. This practical study guide ensures that students are fully prepared for exams.
- ActivStats® Pointers highlight concept videos, teaching applets, and animations in ActivStats that parallel the discussions in the book.
- On the Computer sections teach students how to use the most popular statistics packages (Data Desk, Excel®, JMP®, Minitab®, SPSS®, and the TI-83/84 Plus and TI-89 graphing calculators) to calculate statistics; many provide annotated output to help students learn to use and understand data.
- Exercise sets are paired and ordered by level of difficulty. Many are marked with a “T” to indicate that there is an accompanying data set on the book’s DVD-ROM.
- The DVD-ROM included with every new copy of the text contains ActivStats (a multimedia presentation that follows this text’s table of contents) with Data Desk statistical software; ActivStats (developed by one of the text authors) includes 70 animations and teaching applets, 300 data sets, and 17 brief concept videos. Also included on the DVD are two additional chapters on analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression; the Excel add-in DDXL®, which adds graphical and statistical methods to Excel and Excel 2007; and data sets formatted for Minitab, Excel, JMP, SPSS, the TI 83-84/Plus and TI-89 graphing calculators.
Instructor’s Podcasts (10 points in 10 minutes) summarize the key point of every chapter and offer teaching tips and extra examples to use in class. Instructors can listen on their iPods, online, or on their computers before class. These are available on the Adjunct and Instructor Support site and within MyStatLab.
Table of Contents
I. Exploring and Understanding Data
1. Stats Starts Here
2. Data
3. Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
4. Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data
5. Understanding and Comparing Distributions
6. The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
II. Exploring Relationships between Variables
7. Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
8. Linear Regression
9. Regression Wisdom
10. Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight!
III. Gathering Data
11. Understanding Randomness
12. Sample Surveys
13. Experiments and Observational Studies
IV. Randomness and Probability
14. From Randomness to Probability
15. Probability Rules!
16. Random Variables
17. Probability Models
V. From the Data at Hand to the World At Large
18. Sampling Distribution Models
19. Confidence Intervals for Proportions
20. Testing Hypotheses about Proportions
21. More about Tests
22. Comparing Two Proportions
VI. Learning about the World
23. Inferences about Means
24. Comparing Means
25. Paired Samples and Blocks
VII. Inference When Variables are Related
26. Comparing Counts
27. Inferences for Regression
28. Analysis of Variance-on the CD
29. Multiple Regression-on the CD
I. Exploring and Understanding Data
1. Stats Starts Here
2. Data
3. Displaying and Describing Categorical Data
4. Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data
5. Understanding and Comparing Distributions
6. The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model
II. Exploring Relationships between Variables
7. Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation
8. Linear Regression
9. Regression Wisdom
10. Re-expressing Data: Get It Straight!
III. Gathering Data
11. Understanding Randomness
12. Sample Surveys
13. Experiments and Observational Studies
IV. Randomness and Probability
14. From Randomness to Probability
15. Probability Rules!
16. Random Variables
17. Probability Models
V. From the Data at Hand to the World At Large
18. Sampling Distribution Models
19. Confidence Intervals for Proportions
20. Testing Hypotheses about Proportions
21. More about Tests
22. Comparing Two Proportions
VI. Learning about the World
23. Inferences about Means
24. Comparing Means
25. Paired Samples and Blocks
VII. Inference When Variables are Related
26. Comparing Counts
27. Inferences for Regression
28. Analysis of Variance-on the CD
29. Multiple Regression-on the CD
Dick DeVeaux (Williams College) is an award-winning teacher and consultant to major corporations. His real-world experiences and anecdotes illustrate many of the chapters. Dick has taught business students at Wharton, engineering students at Princeton, and liberal arts students at Williams. Dick was recently named the 2008 Mosteller Statistician of the Year, awarded by the Boston chapter of the American Statistical Association for exceptional contributions to the field of statistics and outstanding service to the statistical community.