Auditing and Assurance Services 4/e (絕)

Auditing and Assurance Services 4/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780071326025
  • 作者:Timothy Louwers, Robert Ramsay, David Sinason, Jerry Strawser, Jay Thibodeau
  • 版次:4
  • 年份:2011
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
Table of Contents
Part I: The Contemporary Auditing Environment 
1: Auditing and Assurance Services 
2: Professional Standards 
3: Management Fraud and Audit Risk 
Part II: The Financial Statement Audit 
4: Engagement Planning
5: Risk Assessment: Internal Control Evaluation
6: Employee Fraud and the audit of Cash
7: Revenue and Collection Cycle
8: Acquisition and Expenditure Cycle
9: Production Cycle
10: Finance and Investment Cycle
11: Completing the Audit
12: Reports on Audited Financial Statements
Part III: Other Topics
A: Other Public Accounting 
B: Professional Ethics
C: Legal Liability
D: Internal, Governmental, and Fraud Audits
E: Overview of Sampling
F: Attribute Sampling
G: Variables Sampling
H: Information Systems Auditing
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