Environmental Economics: An Introduction 5/e (絕)

Environmental Economics: An Introduction 5/e (絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780071276245
  • 作者:Barry Field, Martha Field
  • 版次:5
  • 年份:2009
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Environmental Economics is an introduction to the basic principles of environmental economics as they have been developed in the past and as they continue to evolve. The examples discussed in this textbook represent only a sample of the full range of issues that actually exists. For this reason, the Fifth Edition sticks to the basic ideas and ways that environmental economists have found to make the basic concepts and models more specific and relevant to concrete environmental issues. The basic structure and sequence of chapters are unchanged but contains new and updated material that reflects the new research efforts by environmental economists over the last few years.

  • Relevant and new material: The Fifth Edition contains new material on various aspects of global warming (Chapters 1, 6, and 20); emission trading programs, including carbon trading (Chapters 1, 13, and 15); green taxes (Chapter 12); markets for green goods (Chapter 10); environmental problems in China (Chapter 1); coastal water pollution (Chapter 14); valuing health outcomes (Chapter 7); the value of private information in policy plans (Chapter 9); the economics of pest resistance (Chapter 16); and the idea of charging for solid waste (Chapter 17).
  • Thoroughly updated pedagogy: The Fifth Edition includes new and updated exhibit material, updated data tables and new discussion questions.
  • Economic background provided: Provides enough economics background so that a student need not have had principles of economics to understand the material.
  • Illustrative and enriching pedagogy: Many exhibits (boxed inserts) and tables illustrate and enhance the text discussion. E.g. An example on ?The Marginal Costs of a Firm Producing Organic Apples? uses an apple orchard in order to elucidate the concepts of short-run and long-run production inputs and marginal costs. In Chapter 13, an exhibit ?Fight Global Warming at BuyCarbon.org? shows how groups are using the Internet to help every person contribute to the efforts to reduce global warming.
  • Guide to useful websites: Extends students? education to the web for further information on topics covered in the text. This resource can now be found on the book?s website, www.mhhe.com/field5e.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: What is Environmental Economics
Chapter 2: The Economy and the Environment

Section 2: Analytical Tools
Chapter 3: Benefits and Costs, Supply and Demand
Chapter 4: Economic Efficiency and Markets
Chapter 5: The Economics of Environmental Quality

Section 3: Environmental Analysis
Chapter 6: Frameworks of Analysis
Chapter 7: Benefit-Cost Analysis: Benefits
Chapter 8: Benefit-Cost Analysis: Costs

Section 4: Environmental Policy Analysis
Chapter 9: Criteria for Evaluating Environmental Policies
Chapter 10: Decentralized Policies: Liability Laws, Property Rights, Voluntary Action
Chapter 11: Command-and-Control Strategies: The Case of Standards
Chapter 12: Incentive-Based Strategies: Emission Charges and Subsidies
Chapter 13: Incentive-Based Strategies: Transferable Discharge Permits

Section 5: Environmental Policy in the United States
Chapter 14: Federal Water Pollution-Control Policy
Chapter 15: Federal Air Pollution Control Policy
Chapter 16: Federal Polity on Toxic and Hazardous Substances
Chapter 17: State and Local Environmental Issues

Section 6: International Environmental Issues
Chapter 18: Comparative Environmental Policies
Chapter 19: Economic Development and the Environment
Chapter 20: The Global Environment
Chapter 21: International Environmental Agreements

Appendix: Abbreviations and Acronyms used in the book
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