Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach(絕)

Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach(絕)

  • 20本以上,享 8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780521526258
  • 作者:Nick Wilkinson
  • 版次:1
  • 年份:2005
  • 出版商:Cambridge University
書籍介紹 目錄 作者介紹
Managerial economics, meaning the application of economic methods in the managerial decision-making process, is a fundamental part of any business or managemecourse. This textbook covers all the main aspects of managerial economics: the theory of the firm; demand theory and estimation; production and cost theory and estimation; market structure and pricing; game theory; investmeanalysis and governmepolicy. It includes numerous and extensive case studies, as well as review questions and problem-solving sections at the end of each chapter. Nick Wilkinson adopts a user-friendly problem-solving approach which takes the reader in gradual steps from simple problems through increasingly difficult material to complex case studies, providing an understanding of how the relevaprinciples can be applied to real-life situations involving managerial decision-making. This book will be invaluable to business and economics students at both undergraduate and graduate levels who have a basic training in calculus and quantitative methods.

  • Problem-solving sections and plentiful and extensive case studies involving current issues, with questions
  • Extensive treatment of game theory compared with other texts
  • International applications
Table of Contents
Part I. Introduction
1. Nature, scope and methods of managerial economics
2. Theory of the firm
Part II. Demand Analysis
3. Demand theory
4. Demand estimation
Part III. Production and Cost Analysis
5. Production theory
6. Cost theory
7. Cost estimation
Part IV. Strategy Analysis
8. Market structure and pricing
9. Game theory
10. Pricing strategy
11. Investmeanalysis
12. Governmeand managerial policy
Nick Wilkinson is AssistaProfessor in Economics at Richmond, The American International University in London. He has taught business and economics in various international institutions in the UK and US, as well as working in business managemein both countries.
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