Organizational Behavior 12/e (絕)

Organizational Behavior 12/e (絕)

  • 滿20件,享8.5折
售價 $ 洽詢
  • 一般書籍
  • ISBN:9780071289399
  • 作者:Fred Luthans
  • 版次:12
  • 年份:2011
  • 出版商:McGraw-Hill
書籍介紹 本書特色 目錄
Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthans was one of the first mainstream organizational behavior texts on the market and continues the tradition of being the most current and up-to-date researched text today. Well-known author Fred Luthans is the 5th most prolific Publisher in Academy of Management Journals and a senior research scientist with the Gallup Organization, who continues to do research in the organizational behavior area. The Twelfth Edition of Organizational Behavior is ideal for instructors who take a research-based and conceptual approach to their OB course. 

  • Unlike other OB texts, the book is organized around an integrating theoretical framework to help show students how the pieces fit together. This framework, social cognitive theory, explains organizational behavior in terms of both environmental, contextual events and internal cognitive factors, as well as the dynamics and outcomes of the organizational behavior itself. 
  • Luthans uses Meta-Analysis--a method of selecting, gathering, and processing research and compiling it through various related, but separate, studies--at the end of each chapter to highlight important research. This method places special emphasis on research in the text and makes it more valuable to students because of its broad base. 
  • Consulting Best Practices from the Gallup Organization open each part of the textbook. Gallup is a consulting firm that handles, among others, 25 of the top 50 Fortune Companies, including IBM and Disney. This well-respected company studies trends such as retention and workplace development. Fred Luthans is a senior research scientist for the Gallup Organization. 
  • Experiential exercises at the end of each part get students involved in solving organizational behavior issues. 
  • Comprehensive coverage of current topics makes this one of the most up to date textbooks available. 
Table of Contents
Part One: Environmental and Organizational Content 
Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach 
Chapter 2 Environmental Context: Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics 
Chapter 3 Organizational Context: Design and Culture 
Chapter 4 Organizational Context: Reward Systems 

Part Two: Cognitive Processes of Organizational Behavior 
Chapter 5 Personality, Perception, and Employee Attitudes 
Chapter 6 Motivational Needs, Processes, and Applications 
Chapter 7 Positive Organizational Behavior and Psychological Capital 

Part Three: Dynamics of Organizational Behavior 
Chapter 8 Communication and Decision Making 
Chapter 9 Stress and Conflict 
Chapter 10 Power and Politics 
Chapter 11 Groups and Teams 

Part Four: Managing and Leading for High Performance 
Chapter 12 Behavioral Performance Management 
Chapter 13 Effective Leadership Processes 
Chapter 14 Great Leaders: An Evidence-Based Approach
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